Sunday, July 26, 2009

2009 - Gaspé, QC - 475th anniversary

10 years ago, my family and I drove to Gaspésie along road 132. Tourists were allowed to walk to the Rocher Percé early morning. Today, we cannot walk to this rock anymore; pieces of the rock are falling down.

This summer, my friends and I took the train to Gaspé. The trip to Gaspé is at least 16 hours. Via Rail expects 16 hours but there were delays on the way there and on the way back. Taking the train allows you to view the landscape of Gaspésie. Driving allows you to go the beaches along the 132 road. If you take the train, do not get off at the Percé station unless you have someone to pick you up. Percé station is located out of nowhere; you need to take a small path which connects to 132 road. The other train stations are located besides road 132.

My goal for this trip is to visit Ile Bonaventure & the Fous de Bassan. We took a ferry in order to step on the island. This ferry goes around Rocher Percé and Ile Bonaventure. It felt so good to walk across the island in order to see the Fous de Bassan. The beauty of nature. The air is so fresh.

The best restaurant at Percé is "La Maison du Pêcheur". The atmosphere of the restaurant makes you feel like at home. While eating with friends, you can enjoy the view of the Rocher Percé. We had for entries (La soupe de poissons du Pêcheur, La chauldrée de fruits de mer & L'assiette de saumon fumé de Gaspé), for main dish (Le trident: Homard au Cointreau, saumon au citron et sucre d'érable et pétoncles au fromage de chèvre de Gaspé), L'assiette de fromages, desserts and coffee or tea. The seafood has an excellent taste. I loved the sauce on my main dish. The menu includes a variety of main dishes and desserts.

If you are hungry in the middle of the afternoon, have a crab sandwich or a lobster sandwich! You can get one either on a fast food place in downtown Percé or go to the Café des Artistes at Gaspé.

Apparently, the restaurant Terra Nova is also recommended, located at the Hotel des Commandants, Gaspé. Unfortunately, we missed the supper there because of our short trip. However, we had lunch: crab wrap and langoustines with rice. I was a little dissapointed at the lunch menu compared to the supper menu (a great variety of choices). Therefore, do not miss the supper at Terra Nova!

The best place to stay at Percé is the hotel "La Côte Surprise". La Côte Surprise has a hotel and a motel. The hotel is less expensive than the motel; the hotel is luxuous and the motel is spacious. The hotel gives access to the view of the Rocher Percé and Ile Bonaventure. The hotel contains a restaurant and a pub. La Côte Surprise includes a special package for one night including one supper and one breakfast. For the supper, their food is delicious seafood!

My trip ended at the national Parc Forillon. We played in the water. It was not the best beach, but we found a nice spot where the water and the sand are not mixed with algae and shells. Nobody was there besides us. We found all kinds of things in the water: stars, small crabs, big crab (eatable size) and a big mollusk. What a fun time!

This trip was too short. I wish I can spend more time there. This trip was better than nothing because it was my only summer vacations for 2009. I enjoyed great moments with my friends.